The ACEF (Association Culture Education Formation) has been welcoming students on campus at the Institut for as long as we can remember. Members include students from the Institut’s cultural management master’s programmes: Cultural projects and institution management (DPEC), Consulting advisor for training programmes (CCRF), and Projects in International and European Cultural Engineering (PIECE).

The ACEF brings together students from all of the Institut’s master’s degrees, around the creation of events and cultural outings. A new events committee is elected each year. Each academic year starts with our integration weekend, helping new students find their place at the Institut and fostering cohesion between students of all year groups, who have come from all over France and the world. With the same focus, and in line with the Institut’s curriculum, the ACEF is in charge of organising the first of the “IUP Thursdays” (Jeudis de l’IUP), a weekly event of meetings and presentations with local cultural and creative industries professionals, giving new students the opportunity to discover the local cultural sector by meeting and exchanging with local stakeholders. While you’re there, don’t forget to get your Carte Culture, which gives a discount rate for a wide variety of shows and cultural events in Dijon for a small fee (€5).
All through the year, our members are invited to choose between the great variety of cultural outings we organise (theatre nights, exhibitions, opera nights, concerts, heritage visits, and more) free of charge, with the ACEF taking care of most of the expenses. And, because everyone needs a break between terms, we also like to host parties! Join us at our Christmas party, just before the holiday season; at our cross-sector party, to mingle with all of the Institut’s students; at our end of term party, right before second year master’s students leave for their final internship. And please, do come and meet us at the association's office, where you’ll find all the comforts needed to create a welcoming, studious atmosphere.

ACEF supports students’ projects at the Institut. We can help by providing you with a legal framework for administrative procedures (grant applications, treasury), as well as by lending you a hand with the creation and development of your project. Further information is available on the ACEF Facebook page: