MA 1 DPEC: Direction de projets et d’établissements culturels (Cultural projects and institution management)

Our Management of cultural projects and institutions programme trains the managers, designers, administrators, mediators, consultants and experts of tomorrow for the cultural sector. In keeping with the wide range of expertise required by such positions, we offer classes in law, management, education, aesthetics, ethnology, history, communication and sociology. This degree aims at providing you with the skills you need to build your career, all the while putting them in practice through experimentation and implementation, with the help of visiting professionals, field trips, a project-oriented approach and the completion of an internship mentored by an academic and a professional from your field of choice. This degree may be completed as a full-time study scheme or as a work-study scheme.

Educational director

Phone: +33 3 80 58 98 67


Admission to the degree is decided on the basis of a written application and an interview, reviewed by an educational commission of two professors. Admission is granted based on the consistency of the candidate's career objectives with the training goals. Prerequisites are at least one working experience in the cultural and creative sectors, motivation based on the experience of artistic and/or cultural practice, as well as a solid basis in general knowledge.



Knowing the judicial, administrative, political, and economical environment of outreach initiatives in France and abroad.
Understanding the potential of outreach in the arts sector
Understanding the potential of outreach in the heritage sector
Mastering the tools of management and administration of a cultural institution
Designing and implementing outreach initiatives in the arts sector
Budgeting a project and creating partnerships with funders
Knowing the distribution channels of artistic creation
Mastering communication tools in the cultural sector
Monitoring the administrative and financial aspects of outreach initiatives
Monitoring the transportation and installation of the equipment and the logistics of a show or of a filming set.
Career opportunities

Our Direction de Projets ou Établissements Culturels (DPEC - Management of cultural projects and institutions) programme is divided in three specializations: Arts and Culture (AC), Outreach project management in the cultural sector (IAC), and Management of intercultural and international projects (IPII). Successful first year students can choose any specialization during their second of master's.

Career opportunities


Alliance Française de Kotte
Alliance Française de Piura
PARIS (75)
Association pour L'Education Artistique Franco-Chinoise - AEAFC
PARIS (75)
Atelier des Artistes en exil
Centre Culturel Francophone de Vancouver
Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles
CROUS de Bourgogne Franche-Comté
DIJON (21)
Cultures Indépendantes Dijon (Sabotage)
PARIS (75)
École 42
DIJON (21)
Ecole Municipale et Orchestre
PARIS (75)
Festival Paris l'Été
Institut Supérieur des Techniques du Spectacle (ISTS)
Le Cèdre
MÂCON (71)
Le Théatre - Scène Nationale
DIJON (21)
Liaisons Arts Bourgogne
Mairie de Toulouse - Centre d'Art Nomade
Mairie de Vénissieux
PARIS (75)
DIJON (21)
MJC-CS Bourroches
Tets Ohnari
GAP (50)
Théatre La Passerelle-Scène
BREST (29)
Un Soir à l'Ouest
DIJON (21)
Ville de Dijon
Ville de Provins
LE MANS (72)
Ville du Mans